Microscope, test tube and various reagents on table in chemistry class
While studying organic Chemistry in Class 12 you will surely understand the value of Class 11 Chemistry. But don’t wait for so large or it would be too late. In this class, you become intimate with the basic ideas of organic Chemistry and if you fail to grasp those then you will face problems in the organic Chemistry of Class of 12th. Get more information about colleges in Albuquerque.
In different aggressive exams like NEET, JEE Main, JEE Advanced, etc almost half of the total issues are asked from Class 11 Chemistry. Some chapters like “Structure of Atom”, “Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure”, “Thermodynamics”, “Equilibrium” and Organic Chemistry are very essential for the competitive exams. If you want to obtain a berth for yourself in the prestigious Medical or Engineering Colleges of the people then you require study Class 11 Chemistry well. Let us see how to prepare Chemistry Class 11 CBSE.
A list of some of the recommended textbooks and sample papers has been provided below. These books will help you in better preparing for Chemistry. On selecting the below-specified links, you will be taken to the Amazon website from where you can purchase wanted books at exclusive discounts.
Class 11 Chemistry can be split into three branches i.e. Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, and Organic Chemistry and Many students think that in Physical Chemistry they require to solve only numerical. If you also have the same thought concerning this branch of Chemistry then like all, you are also partly wrong. Yes, you need to solve numerical in Physical Chemistry but at the same time,, you must not forget the theory portions which are very essential for both your final exam and different aggressive exams.
The majority of numerical are asked from sections like Structure of Atom, States of Matter, Thermodynamics, and Equilibrium. Prepare these parts well. Try to solve at least 10 numerical daily. It will make you more and more positive. “Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure” is also a very significant chapter. You will hardly find any digital in this chapter but go through this exercise regularly. It is one of the easiest but extremely damaging chapters of the Chemistry Class 11 CBSE syllabus.
To prepare Inorganic Chemistry you just need a very sharp memory because it requires lots of learning. How many of you have read any chapter from Inorganic Chemistry and have ignored it after few days? If I am not wrong then the majority of you are suffering the same problem. Don’t get discouraged and take out at least an hour from your busy program to read Inorganic Chemistry daily. Though in Class 11 you are expected to learn only a little part of Inorganic Chemistry, never leave them for the last time. If possible prepare notes which will help you largely during final preparation.
I am once again considering that the Organic Chemistry of Class 11 is the foundation that you urgently need to secure good marks in both Class 12 Board Exams and the aggressive exams. If you will not study Physical and Inorganic Chemistry of Class 11 then you may face little problems in the larger States but if you fail to study Class 11 Organic Chemistry correctly then you will encounter lots of difficulties in Class 12. It is one of the easiest branches of Chemistry if read properly or it can become the most difficult branch if not read correctly.
Some of the important questions of Class 11 Organic Chemistry are Nomenclature of Organic Compounds, Inductive Effect, Resonance, Hyperconjugation, Isomerism, Quantitative Analysis (Dumas Method and Kjeldahl’s Method), Alkenes & Alkynes, Preparation of Alkanes, Conformations, Markovnikov and Anti Markovnikov rule, Ozonolysis, Oxidation of Alkenes and Chemical Properties of Benzene.
Go through NCERT first before putting any other textbooks. Practice every question of this book given in the Act. In Medical and Engineering Exams like NEET and JEE Main individually which are conducted by NTA majority of problems are asked from NCERT hence never forget this book.