When you think of the world’s best scientists, the first names that come to your mind are Henry Ford, Wright Brothers, Thomas Edison, Einstein. Beyond that there is a name, usually one that no one remembers. Many may be unknowingly using many of his inventions. For example, in daily life when charging a mobile phone, turning on a light, using a generator or a refrigerator, then a scientist should be thanked. And he is the lost genius Nikola Tesla.
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The time is about the middle of the 20th century, January 7, 1943. A waitress named Alice Monaghan went to room 3327 at the Hotel New Yorker. Although there was a ‘Do Not Disturb’ notice posted outside the room, he ignored it and entered the room. Entering the house, he saw the body of an 86-year-old man lying there. This is how the life of one of the greatest inventors of the 20th century, Prometheus of the modern age, Nikola Tesla, ended in a lonely, private room in an ordinary hotel. Doctors believe that the cause of his death was coronary thrombosis.
Before he died, Tesla would take a daily walk to the park and feed the pigeons there. He used to treat and care for any injured pigeons. It had become a kind of obsession with him. 81-year-old Tesla suffered a car accident late at night in 1937 while feeding pigeons in a park and broke his back and ribs. But he refused to go to the hospital for treatment, and he never fully recovered from the injury. And six years after this incident, he died in 1943. At the time of his death, he was sick, helpless, poor and neglected.
Tesla was born on July 10, 1856. At Smilian, on the eastern border of the then Austrian Empire. That is, in the town of Smilian in present-day Croatia. Amazed by Tesla’s actions, some would say that Tesla is an alien child. Even at the time of his birth, many people called him ‘The Age of Time’. But his mother used to say that Tesla would bring light to the world. However, the words of the mother did not fail.
Because, when people feared electricity as a mystery, he controlled it like the palm of his hand. Tesla ushered in the era of readily available electricity on Earth, with his invention of AC generators and motors powering mass industrial production. The era of robots and automation began with his hands, which reduced the manual labor of humans and turned machines into slaves of humans. A few years before Marconi invented wireless technology, he gave the same technology to the world. He gave us neon and other gas tube lights, fluorescent bulbs, high frequency electricity. As a result, the use of many important devices in the industrial and medical world has become possible. The superman Nikola Tesla, who was born long before his time, was not ready to contain all his inventions or to properly evaluate them.
How did Tesla get lost?
By the end of the 19th century, Tesler’s fame had spread like a meteor. He became known in society as an inventor, engineer and intellectual. Edison’s DC current could not be supplied far from the power plant, but AC current could be easily used because it could be carried far. This is how the famous Electric and Manufacturing Co. Westinghouse was attracted to Tesla’s generator. They took Tesla as their partner with huge financial benefits. Soon, the ‘power war’ between the three big firms—Edison, Thompson-Houston and Westinghouse—began.
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Tesla fell under the wrath of other scientists. Over the next few years, Tesla received patents for more than 30 scientific inventions. Which includes Tesla electric oscillator, electricity meter, different types of advanced technology electric bulb, high voltage transformer etc. devices. Even using the power of Niagara Falls, the world’s first modern hydroelectric project was established by Tesla in 1893. But the dark chapter of Tesla’s life was in 1895, when his lab caught fire and all of his long research was destroyed. But he did not stop there.
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Nikola Tesla holds patents for over three hundred inventions that have shaped the modern world over time. It is true that he created the modern age in this world, but he himself left no heirs. His inventions have employed billions of people and made hundreds of millionaires. The difference between Nikola Tesla and other scientists is that he did not publish his discoveries only theoretically; Instead, he used to show their application in reality. He is called ‘the wizard of electricity’. The world has almost forgotten Nikola Tesla today. But we mortals are actually lucky that such a sage came to earth and enlightened everything.
Source: IFLScience